Saturday, January 18, 2014

Five Fun Party Games for the Five and Under Crowd Toddlers


In the case of birthday parties, Children, five and under five years of age are difficult to entertain. It is difficult to attract the attention of toddlers and to keep them focused. To keep them happy and focused for some time, there are certain fun and exciting games that toddlers can play. Healthy competition is good because it pushes the kid to be motivated. It is important to make sure that children keep the competition healthy and you should discontinue the game when the children start disturbing or picking on other children and talk to the kid who is upsetting the rest.

Caring For Toddlers with Adjustable Tables and chairs:  
One popular game among children is playing musical chairs.
A certain number of chairs are arranged in two rows back to back. The number of chairs is the number of children playing minus one.
When the music starts, the children go round the chairs. When the music stops, the children need to find a chair. The child without a seat is out. Then one seat is taken away and the game continues till there are only two children and one chair left. Play the music again and the child who gets the seat is the winner and again awarded a prize.
Another fun popular game among children is hot potato. The game is similar to musical chairs except there is less action involved.  Children are either standing or seated in a circle. Music is played while the children pass a potato around. When the music stops, the child holding the potato is out. The game continues till only one child is left and that child is the winner and given a prize. The children enjoy this game because there is a certain amount of activity and it also requires children to stay focused and listen to the music.
Pinning the Tail on the Donkey or other such blindfolded games is always fun. Place a large picture of a donkey or whatever animal on a wall. Give a sticker or tape to a child. The child is to attach the sticker or tape to where he or she thinks the tail should be. The child is led to the image and then blindfolded and spun around three times in front of the picture. Whoever gets their piece closest to the intended target wins a prize.
The fourth game is to organize relay races. These are simple and fun. It makes them active and can interact with other children.
Lastly, the evergreen game of Hide-and-Seek never fails to capture the interest of children. It is easy to play and suitable for children of all ages.
Supervision is paramount at all times, in the case of children, especially so when they are of such a young age. It is important that children stay within certain confines for easier supervision. Involvement of other parents in this would be most helpful.

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